Why you'd want to live in Southlake
The Southlake Historical Society is a 501c3 organization that is dedicated to promoting the preservation, understanding and appreciation of Southlake history. The society acts as the custodian of historical documents, records, and collections of local history memorabilia, creates interest in area history and cooperates and works with other organizations in the fulfillment of our goals. Society Accomplishments Helping newcomers to Southlake – and “old-timers,” too — learn about our history and feel more at home. Promoting heritage tourism by participating in the Texas Heritage Trails Program and putting together fliers and web information for tourists. Working with the city to build and furnish the log house in Bicentennial Park. Partnering with the Southlake Library to create a Local History section (next to the magazines) and programs for the library’s Summer Reading Club. via cityofsouthlake.com